4 Tips for Collecting Debt before the end of the year
CTI Lawyers are well experienced in debt collection and letters of demand. If you are struggling with the collection of debts for your business, contact CTI Lawyers on 02 9021 9699.
CTI Lawyers are well experienced in debt collection and letters of demand. If you are struggling with the collection of debts for your business, contact CTI Lawyers on 02 9021 9699.
The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act) states that a worker is bullied if an individual or group of individuals “repeatedly behaves unreasonably towards the worker or a group of workers of which the worker is a member” while the worker is at work and the “behaviour creates a risk to health and safety”. The … Continued
On 30 September, the Fair Work Commission extended the operation of Schedule I in the Clerks Private Sector Award until 30 November 2020. Schedule I contains various provisions aimed at preserving the business viability during the COVID-19 pandemic. For administrative employees covered by this Award, subject to meeting all of the requirements in Schedule I, … Continued
The Covid-19 pandemic has had drastic impacts on the Australian economy. The Australian Federal Government has implemented schemes such as JobKeeper in response to preserve the employer-employee relationship and keep businesses and employees in work. The second phase of the JobKeeper scheme begins from 28 September 2020. It allows legacy employers who were previously qualified … Continued
It’s coming up to that time again, where we wrap up the year, celebrate the successes of the past 12 months and enjoy in Christmas festivities. With the holiday season fast approaching it is also important for businesses to remember that this time of year can come with its own specific issues that need to … Continued
In accordance with the contract of employment and the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (‘Act’), employers have a legal right to terminate the employment of their employees. Where an employee believes they have been unfairly dismissed or terminated due to discrimination, or the employee exercising a workplace right, the employee may apply for an unfair … Continued
Under the new Criminal Code and Other Legislation (Wage Theft) Amendment Bill 2020 (Bill), which was passed by the Queensland Parliament on 9 September 2020, employers that engage in deliberate wage theft face jail terms of up to 10 years or 14 years when fraud is involved. The Bill was introduced to ensure that wage … Continued
The High Court has granted an appeal by Mondelez Australia concerning the method of accruing and calculating paid personal/carer’s leave under section 96(1) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act). Section 96(1) of the Act provides that “For each year of service with his or her employer, an employee is entitled to 10 days of paid personal/carer’s … Continued
Each financial year a number of key employment figures change. The following table sets out the key figures for this financial year as well as a summary of some of the key figures in employment law generally that affect our members. WAGE INCREASE Amount 1.75% Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2010 Effective 1 November … Continued
There have recently been a number of determinations made by the Fair Work Commission which has led to changes to the Modern Award. These changes are set out in this article and are inclusive of the following: annual wage increases; and changes and amendments to the modern awards. Wage Increase In each financial year the … Continued
In the recent Full Federal Court case Workpac Pty Ltd v Rossato [2020] FCAFC 84, the Court considered the characterisation of employment and upheld the view that casual employees, who have the characteristics of permanent employees, are entitled to paid leave entitlements even if they are in receipt of a casual loading. The effect of this … Continued
CTI Lawyers recently created guidelines on industrial relations issues for employers engaging electrical workers. The guidelines outline how employers should deal with: Redundancy; Stand down generally; JobKeeper Enabling Stand Down Direction; Annual Leave and Rostered Day off Generally; Annual Leave and Rostered Day off while on JobKeeper; and Reducing Hours of Work. For more information … Continued